Shareholders may vote prior to the meeting using the following methods

Voting Method Registered Shareholders

If your securities are held in your name and represented by a physical certificate or DRS statement.

Non-Registered Shareholders

If your shares are held with a broker, bank or other intermediary



Go to Enter the 13-digit control number printed on the form of proxy and follow the instructions on screen.


Complete, date and sign the proxy, then scan and email your completed proxy to

Go to Enter the 16-digit control number printed on the VIF and follow the instructions on screen.
Telephone or Fax


Call AST Trust Company at 1-888-489-7352 and follow the instructions. You will need the 13-digit control number printed on the form of proxy to vote


Complete, date and sign the proxy and fax it to 1-866-781-3111 (within North America); or 1-416-368-2502 (outside North America)

Complete, date, and sign the VIF and fax it to the number listed on the VIF.


Enter voting instructions, sign and date the form of proxy and return your completed form of proxy in the enclosed postage paid envelope to:

AST Trust Company,
P.O. Box 721
Agincourt, Ontario
M1S 0A1

Enter your voting instructions, sign and date the VIF, and return the completed VIF in the enclosed postage paid envelope.
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