The Anta property is a silver/gold/copper exploration project that is 72 km west of Nazca in Southern Peru. As shown in Figure 1, it is located in the heart of a regionally important epithermal gold-silver belt that is host to some of the most important hydrothermal deposits in Peru, including the Orcopampa, Ares, Shila-Paula, Calloma, Arcata and Antapite mines.

Dynacor owns 100% of its Anta Property which today consists of five (5) mining concessions that cover 3,800 ha (see Figure 2). Initially in 2012, Dynacor had only one claim Anta 1 but during the past two years has acquired 4 more mining claims.

Dynacor began an initial exploration campaign that involved surveying, semi-detailed geological mapping and targeted channel sampling of the most significant outcrops including past artisanal workings. Some of the most interesting results are given in Figure 3, below.

Dynacor has identified six (6) mineralized structures on this property. The results to date are very encouraging since channel samples from surface outcroppings of these structures show high gold and silver grades as well as high base metal grades for copper, lead and zinc. The next step to determine the potential of this property is a surface diamond drilling campaign in order to find the depth extensions with economic grades of these structures that could reveal significant intersections.